
The softest, warmest and most sustainable natural fibre

Did you know alpacas belong to the llama family?

They lived originally in the Andes region in South America, very high up in the mountains where winds are fierce, rains frequent and the sun blazing hot when the clouds get out of the way.

That makes it easy to understand why the fibres on the alpaca fleece have to be really special.

Indeed, alpaca fibres contain little air pockets that trap the heat so the animal stays warm, even in the roughest weather conditions.

Moreover, the fibres are water repellent and their fluffiness protects their owners against harsh mountain winds.

Alpaca wool, sustainable, Sensify

Alpaca is hypoallergenic and doesn't itch

Alpaca wool, sustainable, Sensify

Owning an alpaca garment gives you many reasons to rejoice: it will be lightweight and it won't wrinkle, it will keep you warm in winter and on cool summer nights.

As the fibre has a natural crimp it will remain elastic throughout. And to top it all alpaca fibre is stain resistant, which means you can simply wipe the stains away with or without a little water.

That is, of course, if you don't leave the spilled substance too much time to impregnate your precious possession.

Alpacas don’t pull out the roots of the grass when grazing. And they have naturally padded feet that leave the ground where they live on intact

All this also means that you won't have to wash your alpaca wrap or other alpaca garment often at all.

Of course, if you wash it, you will have to be careful: hand wash in cold water with a small quantity of mild detergent (a mild shampoo will do wonders). Rinse it really well, then eliminate most of the dampness between two towels and let it dry on a flat surface.

Remember: no machine washing or drying, which is a good point for Mother Earth anyway. If you prefer you can have your alpaca garment dry-cleaned.

Biella - Handmade Alpaca Wrap

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